Saturday, May 27, 2023

Side Quest Saturdays - An Introduction

 A new feature. You may join in the adventures.

I'm writing a bunch of random tasks on cards 
and putting them in a jar. 
Every Saturday morning, 
I will draw one out and commit to accomplishing 
that side quest by the end of the following Friday.

Here is the first one.

Say "Hello" to 5 strangers.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday Five - Movies

 I've seen more movies in the last few months 
than in the last several years.

Here they are in reverse order:

I was really enjoying this until the end. 
The action was great as well as the feels.
Momoa's character is hilarious.
The end ended rather abruptly.
That really pissed me off.
It was super unexpected.

Oh, my.
I love Rocket.

So much fun.
Definitely lives up to my image of the game.

John Wick is so full of 
destruction and mayhem.
There is great joy in the fantasy of 
being to beat the shit out of your enemies.

The graphics were wonderful.
The story was blah.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Friday Five - What's Your Spirit Animal?

The butterfly is my spirit animal. 
Always has been. 
And, yes, Virginia, insects are animals. 
That takes care of the teaching portion of our show.

An origami butterfly 
made by my daughter sitting on 
the custom glass pen and ink well 
she commissioned for me.

When I was a child, the name 
Vanessa was very uncommon.
Jonathan Swift is credited with creating 
the name in 1713 for his lover 
Esther Vanhomrigh in a poem he wrote dedicated to her.

Vanessa became a butterfly genus in 
1807 which includes 22 species. 

I always liked the idea that Phanessa 
was the mystic goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood.

Butterflies represent change and 
the constant evolution of the soul.

My mother had this little pin. 
I took it from her jewelry box when 
I was quite young and made it mine. 
Hence we have my avatar.

The Vampire Butterfly
I have teeth.
I've been known to draw blood.

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

The End is Only the Beginning

The first draft of The Bastard's Battle is complete.

It must rest a bit before the final edits.

I like the way it ended.

This week, it's time to plot and outline Book 3 
in The Shadow Sword Trilogy, 
Unforgiven Love, Jon, and Stefan's story.

I have a script to write for a local film festival, too.
A possible submission for a local event.
More on this later once I figure out what's going on.