Monday, April 28, 2014

a tarot reading for the week ahead

~ click images to make biggerer ~

The Past
Page of Swords & Six of Pentacles - both Reversed
There has been cynicism, mistrust and uncertainty that created tension and poor decisions.

The Present
Two of Wands, XX-Karma (Reversed) & Six of Wands
There is partial success in career ventures that lead to tough choices to make. Ask for help from a trusted mentor to avoid bad judgement. Remember that you reap what you sow. A steady course leads to victory.

The Future
Four of Cups & VI-The Lovers (reversed)
Be thankful for what you have now and be prepared for more blessings to come. A lack of gratitude will create an atmosphere of unease and strife.  

Cards Used:

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Oh! My Pa-Pa

~ click image to make biggerer ~

Today is my Father's 83rd birthday.

He is the definition of what it means to be a man.

He is a dedicated 
husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather
 - and countryman - he loves that hat.

He has worked hard all his life, 
sometimes at two and three jobs.

He exemplifies FAMILY.

He has always been there with support, 
even when he didn't understand 
what the hell I was doing.

Happy Birthday,

James Arthur Kilmer

We love you!

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Yes, Virginia, I'm a Harry Potter Nerd

I've seen all of the movies (several times.)
I've got the whole set of the books
both print and E 
which I re-read once a year.
I"m a Ravenclaw.
[i did mean to shout]
photo taken by Cassandra Marke
~ click images to make biggerer ~
My baby took me to Hogwarts last November.

All Aboard

It's always hot in Orlando and the rain never lasts long 
- except when I am there. 
Then, it pours all day and is freezing 
- until Hagrid gave us his magical Gryffindor umbrella.

Diagon Alley

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Habitat for Humanity Burlington County, NJ

For the past few months, I have been helping out at Habitat for Humanity Burlington County, New Jersey

They have just moved into their own, new home.

530 East Route 38
Maple Shade, NJ 08052

This was the Cort Furniture Building next to the Elite Acura dealer and across the highway from David's Bridal.

Their GRAND RE-OPENING is Friday, April 4, 2014 at 10am.

These are a great bunch of people who help others realize their dreams for home ownership. 

Part of their program involves a retail store called ReStore. 

Are you remodeling your home?

Are you a contractor?

So much of this stuff is brand new in its original packaging. and it's sold at a discount. Profits go to help the housing programs.

Look at all of the great things you can find here:

Massive snow blowers.

Large and small appliances like microwaves, washing machines and dryers, refrigerators.


Doors, wood, dry wall.


More building supplies and wheel chairs.

A separate showroom for office furniture.

Look at those nice cabinets.



And the home furnishings showroom.
Those banners are for some of Habitat's wonderful sponsors. 
Click the image to make the picture bigger and 
see who those the names of those great companies.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014