Monday, March 25, 2013

A Limerick Two-fer

Hot and Cold

A woman who frequently bowled
made sure that everyone was told
she would give her all
to a man brave and tall
but only after her ball was rolled

He Lied: A Limerick on Spring

Took a gaze out my window’s pane
expecting to see Spring rain
instead there was snow
enough to cover my big toe
if this keeps up, I’m opening a vein

Join the Limerick-Off at Mad Kane's Humor Blog


  1. Im with you! way too cold for spring :) great writing

  2. Thanks so much for your fun contributions to this week's Limerick-Off!

  3. LOL! I live in the Sonora Desert, so we are well on our way into spring. So sorry for you folks in colder climes!

  4. hahaha
    its snowing again here...after 6 inches yesterday. and another overnight. ack!
