Monday, November 01, 2010

Rabbit, Rabbit November

My story was boring me to death. Since I wasn’t writing or revising my novel, I wasn’t allowed to play on the webs or internets (my rule.) Naturally, I needed to figure out the problem ‘cus I like playing.

Problem Part One: Why do I get bored with my stories? I start out pretty good and then I lose interest. Why? Because the characters are too nice to each other and they always solve their problems so easily. It took, like, maybe two hours to figure this out.

Problem Part Two: Why do I write these kinds of stories? The answer to this question took a little longer to figure out and required that I clean out some rooms and closets, getting rid of physical junk along with the mental junk. I discovered that I want to make nice. I like things peaceful and easy. Why can’t we all just get along? I expend a great deal of energy smoothing out bumps and I have carried this over into my writing. Which makes a story suck.

So, I have written my day’s allotment for my NaNoWriMo story with a new focus on torqueing things up. I didn’t finish on time last year but I am bound and determined to finish this year. I am calling this year’s novel “Bind, Strangle and Suffocate: A Novel About a Family.”

And I am back to revising the novel I was working on with a better idea of where I am going with the story.


  1. hope you finish this year. :) come be my buddy on nano... michelledevans

  2. I, too, get bored with my stories. I have dropped yet another one.

  3. I agree with you, I also want everything to be peaceful and nice.;)) Good luck with your story,

  4. Haha, I have that same rule. But I get around it way too often...
    Also, I find your method of cleaning/clearing physical junk (or cooking/baking too in my case) along with mental junk very effective!

  5. Good luck on your stories and novel, Nessa :). Have a wonderful week.

  6. Good luck Nessa! You've been missed. Now get to work so we can see more of you!

  7. Sounds like a plan. Good luck.

  8. I'm so glad you're doing NaNo again. Most of the people I did it with last year have bowed out this year, and I need the nudges. Second day and I haven't even broken 2k yet.
