Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Easy Peasy Bee


  1. That's a real stinger of a picture. Good one :)

  2. That's a really cool picture,

  3. Beautiful shot, the backgrounds is interesting, as well as the details of the bee. Lovely last greetings of summer...

  4. looks like he is on a chair, hope no one sits on him...

  5. Thom: You are such a honey.

    KB: he was huge, like at leat an inch long.

    Zuzana: he did seem to bee winding down, sunning himself in the last rays.

    Brian Miller: He was napping on my lawn chair. My husband pointed him out before I sat on him (sat on the bee not my husband.)

  6. The texture in this photo is fantastic, Nessa!

  7. Lots of bees on the bush right outside my window....amazing to see this close up view. What a great photograph.

  8. That's a very cool photo. The bees I see in the garden are busy flitting around the flowers. They never sit still.

  9. That's a very cool photo. The bees I see in the garden are busy flitting around the flowers. They never sit still.

  10. That's a very cool photo. The bees I see in the garden are busy flitting around the flowers. They never sit still.

  11. That's a very cool photo. The bees I see in the garden are busy flitting around the flowers. They never sit still.

  12. That's a very cool photo. The bees I see in the garden are busy flitting around the flowers. They never sit still.

  13. This picture makes me dizzy, lol !

  14. I love whatever process you applied to this shot, it's really cool

  15. You really zoomed into this bee. Very well!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  16. Mumsy: I like the mesh of the chair as the background.

    Together We Save: I don’t either but this one looked very tired.

    Jeanie: This one was very big. It didn’t look like the bees we usually get around here.

    Alice Audrey: Did you just wake up?

    Shelle: Thanks.

    Shelley Munro: I think this one was drugged.

    SandyCarlson: Thank-you.

    secret agent woman: Buzz (that’s thanks in bumble bee language.)

    Tom & Icy: I see that.

    Gattina: The background does vibrate a bit.

    Mama Zen: Thank-you.

    Sue: It was quite large.

    Dianne: It did use some 3D inhancement on it.

    Maggie May: It wanted to bee famous.

    VE: and elbows and chins and belly buttons.

    Eden: Thanks.

    Indrani: Thank-you.
