Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Woo-Hoo’s for Woo-Woo’s

Brian Miller from WaystationOne was the first to want to know about woo-woo’s. You may have seen woo-woo’s mentioned in this week's Sunday 160 and in comments left by Thom from Thom’s Place 4 Well Whatever … In one moment of weakness, I exposed myself and my foible to Thom and like a really good friend he will not allow me to forget it. :)

The Story:

A long time ago, when I was a young whipper snapper and still hanging out in clubs to meet men, I was introduced to woo-woo’s. A dashing fellow with slicked back hair saw me sitting alone at the bar and knew I needed the company of a charmer. He ordered me a woo-woo and a night I can’t remember was had by all.

The Drink (serves 1):

1 1/2 oz peach schnapps
1 1/2 oz vodka
8 oz cranberry juice

And the variation:


1 1/2 oz vodka
1 1/2 oz blueberry schnapps
8 oz cranberry juice

Serve these in tall glasses over ice and let the memory loss begin.

Drink responsibly - drink alone at home.

0 - v


  1. *belts back a Woo-Woo and is happy to know that all now know the tail of a night never remembered :) Oopos that's tale isn't it ROFLMAO!!!!

  2. I wonder if that's what I was drinking the night I .... never mind.

  3. I think this is my kind of drink.;)) I think I might just have one this coming weekend.;))
    Or earlier, hehe.;)

  4. well that is certainly a lot tamer then where my mind went...smiles.

  5. They sound very good and a little dangerous.

  6. Thom: I think in this case both words may apply.

    quilly: What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?

    Zuzana: Happy memories …or forgetting.

    Brian Miller: OOoo…you should tell :)

    Jeanie: Always the best combination.

  7. Oh DARN! The night I never remembered happened with WINE! And to think... *smacks head*... I could of had a Woo Woo! OR a Blue Woo!

  8. Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades: They are tasty but you do have to be careful with them.

  9. nice one,
    educational and fun to know.

  10. If I were a drinker I'd be all over this. These days I only drink the occasional glass of wine pressed into my hands by friends and family. And even then I might not finish it. Just not my thing.

  11. That has to be what I was drinking when I did whatever it was that I can't remember! I'm told I had a blast though... ahhh youth... :D

  12. Jingle: Lessons that might not be good to learn.

    Alice Audrey: Don’t tell anyone because it might ruin my image, but I often go for minutes without a drink.

    Jenn @ Youknow...that Blog?: Memory loss always hints at a good time.

  13. Together We Save: Very delisch.

  14. Melli: Wine works very well, too.

  15. I like the last line in this post.

    Yes ma'am!

  16. Those woo-woos sound dangerous to me. I only ever have cocktails when I'm on holiday and feeling more adventurous.

  17. vodka and peach schnapps - OMG - let the memory loss begin….
    think next time i need a memory loss…smiles - i go and try the variation - blueberry schnapps and vodka sounds promising...

  18. I had never heard of a woo-woo! Now I know what it is!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  19. Doug: I am a regular public service announcement.

    Shelley Munro: They can be because they sneak up on you.

    Claudia: We did blackberry schnapps this summer which was lovely.

    Maggie May: Knowledge is power.

  20. Sounds yummy!

    By the way, I tagged you for a short meme: Tagged!

  21. sounds like a good way to get lost (as if i needed an incentive)

  22. Sounds WOOHOOish!! :)
    And thanks for the warning as well ;)

  23. I drink responsibly nowadays.

  24. I don't ever remember drinking anything that tasted like that but I remember I night...no wait, I don't. Never mind.

  25. The kamikaze is to me what the woo-woo is to you. A great memory relaxer. Bottom's up!

  26. Cheers, m'dear. It was 1983 and Duran Duran was blaring in the background?

  27. Yay,..cool..thanks for sharing your fabulous woowoo's tales..you always make me smile!

  28. Eric Alder: I played. Check back next Tuesday for the posting.

    juliana: It’s been a while since I needed an excuse.

    kavisionz: They are very dangerous. They need a warning label.

    actonbell: You found the exact problem – they are so tasty but you can’t taste the alcohol.

    63mago: As we all should.

    Cheryl: It’s like a magic potion that wipes your mind clean.

    SandyCarlson: Oh, kamikazes. Do I have a kamikaze story. They go really well with my G & T’s which are my favorite drink.

    karen a.: Were you there?

    Kiki: Remembering the good times is good for grins and giggles.

  29. Woooo-wooo! And here I was thinking a woo-woo was sort of like a Ring Ding. Silly me. No wonder you like camping so much!

    And I have a couple of kamikaze stories myself.

  30. Alice Audrey: Me and my silliness.

    PattiKen: Ring Dings for adults. And kamikazes are suicide ;)

  31. I haven't heard of woo-woo before. Now I learn something and I like to try it..:)

  32. Eden: Just be sure to heed the warning label. You have been warned :)
