Saturday, September 04, 2010

Next Week's Assignments at Pupa to Monarch

I have posted all of my answers to last week's assignments, made a few additions to the blog and posted next week's assignments.

Go to Pupa to Monarch if you are joining me in the Do It, Write! project.

I am off to do some camping socializing before my husband and dog divorce me.


  1. Have a good time and get yourself in balance again. You certainly wouldn't want to lose a good dog.

  2. I am about sure that the dog never will divorce you, socializing or not, lol !
    I have no recipe for writing, I just write what comes through my mind.

  3. Woot, you went to ComicCon? You're more rad than I thought! Did you see Alessandra Torresani who plays Zoe on Syfy's Caprica? I used a picture of her to model the girl taking pictures in the Landing episode of Growing Up Lammy. Have fun camping on these cool rainy nights.

  4. Writing can be like be obsessed over a new lover. I've been trying to go to one movie with my husband all summer.

  5. I hope the socializing went well! I know what you mean about that....Life. Online. Everyday. I have to remind myself what the relatives look like!

  6. Tom & Icy! Are you sure that was Alessandra Torresani? I thought it was Annie Leibowitz taking pictures of celebrities for Landing on the Panamanian Moon.

  7. I often imagine Nessa having a mature appearance of Alessandra and the mental talents like Annie.

  8. Alice Audrey: No, good dogs are very valuable.

    Gattina: I know my dog loves me. :) I write like that too but sometimes I like to feel I might have a clue.

    Tom & Icy: I am like an onion, Tom. She wasn’t there but I got pictures of some other very hot women. I will be posting those pictures someday soon. I took like a million.

    colleen: I can be easily obsessed to the exclusion of all else.

    SandyCarlson: It is easy to forget to live sometimes.

    karen a.: Alessandra Torresani is incredibly cute.

    Tom & Icy: I am extremely flattered.

  9. Have a great time :)! Thanks again for the assignments.

  10. This makes me miss our camping trips We haven't done camping trips this year because of hubby's injury.

    Hope you all have a great time.

  11. Rosidah Abidin: I hope you find the assignments useful.

    Eden: We didn’t do much when my hubby’s back was out.

  12. Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades: I hope so.

  13. [url= ]Корпоратив у бассейна - что одеть? [/url]
    В общем, я такой человек, что мне мало, кто по-действительному нравится, к кому тянет... Серьезные отношения бесконечные ообще только 2 раза были.. Первый уехал в Канаду учиться через полгода (родители давно планировали), второй в Москву через месяц, как начали встречаться... полгода отношений на расстоянии, более не выдержала. С третим все началось и он уезжает в Питер (тоже уже до меня было запланировано. Потом понравился мужчина, я ему также сильно очень, но он из Москвы. Еще оин также понравился, он из другого города также.
    Все, кто мне начинает хоть как-то нравится уматывают!!!!! Вечно я кого-то откуда-то жду!!! Что за злобный рок такой???
