Monday, March 02, 2009

One Hundred Words #2 - Frosted Folioles

"Frosted Folioles"
Photograph by Vanessa V. Kilmer © February 3, 2009

Frosted Folioles

White wind whipped around the bamboo. The narrow, evergreen leaves lifted in the frozen tempest despite the thick glove of snow.

Sparrows and squirrels hid from the blowing weather in the pavilion made by the frosted stalks and folioles.

Jenny sheltered along with the other frightened summer creatures during the storm. She snuck in the back garden during the night. She stayed into the daylight hours, warded within the womb of the weald.

She hugged her gravid belly. It rumbled in hungry response. The vagaries of life had brought her to this venue but she vowed to survive Winter's worst.


  1. I think even those humans that live in such a climate have to vow to make it through the winter. But alas, we have electricity and the conveniences of modern man.

    Hold firm Jenny...

  2. Oh, great snow. It is really cold winter this year.I hope your wife wear warm, do not be a freeze.

  3. Nice start. Keep going. A knight comes out and finds her, takes her in, much sexual tension and emotional turmoil and misunderstandings and finally happily ever after. See?

  4. I bet Jenny is hoping for Spring! She needs to flip her Bic or zippo lighter or rub some sticks together. A squirrel makes for a nice meal.

  5. Your hundred words gave me several new one's "folioles" "weald" and "gravid" . The spell checker doesn't seem to know the first two.

  6. intriguing and beautifully written.
    love the photo

  7. Great photo and story, Nessa.

    I have left an award for you on my blog.

  8. I loved reading this post. And I was ridiculously pleased with myself that I knew the meaning of "gravid" :)

  9. That Jenny acts like a squirrel.

    Terry I still don't know, but I bet I look it up.

  10. I am coming from Tom. I love your photo!

  11. Thom: Unless your heating bill is too high.

    Skywind: I hope she stays warm too.

    Quilly: I am spent.

    Tom: Like chicken.

    Dr. John: That spell checker don’t know nuttin’.

    Juliana: Thanks.

    Alice: I am thrilled with the award and will accept it. I am just very swamped right now.

    Tsduff: You go girl. You should be proud. That ain’t a word you hear very often.

    Ariel: Thank you so very much.

  12. Doug: Oops sorry to skip you. I have to look up many words at your site. And people and places and things...

  13. So true...It's hard for me to worry about a heating bill here. As I have seen Quilly post also, over here most homes have no air conditioning or heating ... tough life.

  14. Thom: Yes, I understand living in paradise is very difficult; D
