Wednesday, January 30, 2008

ABC Wednesday - B is for Bagged Blue Boat

I live on a street with three marinas. During the winter, one stores sailing yachts, one speed boats and the other these large cruisers, which are shrink wrapped until Summer begins.

To join ABC Wednesday and find others who play, visit the lovely Mrs. Nesbitt's Place.

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  1. Soon it will be time for cleaning and painting the boats.
    Signs of spring.... :)

  2. I must say that I'm not used to seeing shrink wrapped boats like that, but thank you for the view!

  3. They shrink wrap them? I never knew that...

  4. I'd love to see how boats are shrink wrapped. Sounds fascinating.

  5. Boys and their toys :)

  6. I bet you see some humdingers!

  7. Can I keep the shrink wrap on when I use them? You know, just cut out a couple of holes to see and such. That way, I wouldn't have to scrape barnacles off the bottom...I could just get a new shrink wrap.

  8. Beautiful big bad bagged Blue boat.

  9. I've seen a load of different boats, but never a shrink-wrapped one! You live and learn!

  10. Great entry for B but would also make a great D for shrink wrapped entry!!!!!!

  11. They'll shrink-wrap anything, won't they?

    Damn. I checked out the humor blogs site and didn't see my blog on it. Damn.

    -- david

    P.S. I'm finally adding your site to my list o'blogs. Sorry about the delay.

  12. I wonder if I should be shrink wrapped in the Winter time. It looks cozy.

  13. I frequently see shrink-wrapped boats going down the freeway and wonder what adventures they will enjoy. (They are on trailers or the backs of big trucks--not sailing down the road on their own.)

  14. a boat...lovely present for your husband when you want your home for yourself every now and again :)

  15. Wow! I am coming and setting up a pirates costume shop!

  16. Your lucky to live where you do.I am envious of the locality so close to water.

  17. Those must be real fair weather yachtsmen.

  18. Oh Nessa,
    As usual you are doing some fun things here at The Chrysalis Stage. ABC Wednesday and Tarot Tuesday, I need to visit more often. Keep up the good work.

  19. Clever B .. living near 3 marinas gives you a definite advantage for Bs .. ;-p

  20. Boats are cool... I once went on a river holiday on the Thames... I was only about 12/13 or so... what I realized REALLY quickly was how boats ... more than anything else in life, I mean far more than cars or houses are indicators of status ... I wasn't brought up to be a snob but "how big is your boat" seemed to be the pride of the river~!!

  21. There's something very special about boats and marinas that make it possible to stroll around and look at them for hours even if they are not yours. Or mine in this case.

  22. I will be going on a boat soon, in my expedition to Norway! I had better wrap up warm!


  23. The PS wants a sailboat really bad. He's been looking at the bagged up boats along the highway and waiting for the day their pristine wrap is tugged away to trigger his boat-lust once again.

  24. A great picture but they can keep the shrink wrap on . I get seasick.

  25. Hi Nessa,
    This was an interesting discovery.Sorry i didnt participate in the other one.(aunt ant) I did try looking but gave up!
    You always have nice links on your posts.
    Happy ABC wednesday

  26. Shrink wrapped! You crack me up Nessa.

  27. So they're keeping that boat under wraps, are they!!!

  28. Thats so funny!
    I like the blue
    bottom of that
    bagged boat!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Have a Healthy Happy Fun
    Blessed Creative Year!!!

