Thursday, October 26, 2006

Haiku To You, Too

Mr. Fab at Pointless Drival is having a haiku contest. These are my entries. The subject matter is part of the contest rules. Go submit your own.


Madagascar home
Black, white, moonlit shining eyes
Spirits of the night.


Early winter winds
Travel up both trouser legs
Shriveled private parts

Calvin Coolidge

Independence Day
“…I find it mighty handy.”
Promoting from death.

Pupa to Monarch has been updated.

And NaNoWriMo starts next Wednesday. I wonder if I’ll even be able to start, let alone finish?


  1. Nice...looked like fun and you inspired me so I gave it a whirl. I chose the Lemurs...

  2. That's strange, I chose lemurs too!

  3. I did lemurs as well. Glad to see your site is working again. :)

  4. Cindra: Lots of fun.

    Bazza: Great minds...

    Tricia: Welcome. Yeah, I was spreading the wrong address all over the place.

  5. I wouldn't worry about finishing. Just start. It's always hardest to begin, I know. But sometimes it's more important to begin something than to finish it.

    You can do it.

    You will.

  6. I wish I had the time in November to do it, but I'm hoping like hell that I'm busier than a one-legged man in a nether-kicking contest. I'm already plotting holiday goodies as we speak :)

  7. PTB: Thanks for your encouragement. And taking it one step further, if I start, eventually I might start to finish.

    Serra: I understand it is a particularly busy time for you. I'll be helping to keep you busy, too. I feel compelled to give away some of your wonderful soaps so that means I need more for myself.

    Grunty: Thanks.

  8. Good Morning ! Just had a few seconds before heading out again. Thanks for always visiting whether I make it to your place or not. Love the Haiku and will be back to the links. Yup, Lemur gets my vote...something about shriveled parts make me giggle.

  9. P.S. You're Tagged ! I know you're busy, so just whenever you have the time...or not. 1 - 30 questions. You've read them. Go for it.OR, you can pass. <:)
    That's a witch lying down.
